Snowmeggdon 2019 Continues

And still more snow!

My own track!

But you know what Montanans do with snow?

We play!

So, behold, here is the cross country ski track I created around our property. It’s a third of a mile long, with just enough up and down to make it fun and a great workout.

The only bad part? I usually have to spend the first loop repairing it, because the deer appreciate a little help getting around these days.

Snowshoeing to the woodshed
A Slavering Beast is Eating My House!
Alpenglow — no filters!








In writing news, I’m up to 46k words on book 5.0, so almost halfway. Barring huge floods and other disasters here in Montana, it Lightwave: Circini Search will release this summer.

Hope you enjoy the pictures. Have a great day, everyone!