Working Class Vegas Vamp Chapter 16

Working Class Vegas Vamp is a free urban fantasy serial, usually publishing on Tuesdays. It is unedited and subject to change. If published later, it may differ significantly, and will probably include additional material. Typos and English errors are likely; feel free to leave a comment or write me at am {AT} (revised as a standard email address. Pesky bots!) Available for a limited time only!

Haven’t started yet? Chapter 1: ‎

Chapter 16

Egotistical idiots! What a waste. I sprinted to Alek’s SUV, pressing the unlock on the key fob in my hand. At least the fob had been easy to snatch from his pocket. Jumping in the vehicle, I hammered the gas, flying through the community and hoping no one was in the streets. The front gates were closing, so I put my foot down and rammed them.

With a clang and a screeching rip of metal, I was out and speeding through the dark streets of the wealthy neighborhood. I couldn’t keep this car for long; it surely had a tracker, if not a disable feature. But I could get closer to my next storage unit. Except Alek—no, Karski—implied he knew where all of them were. But since his pack was pinning down Theo’s vampires, he might not pursue me right away. I could get closer to a daylight safe bolt hole instead. But if I was on foot, Karski could track me.

If I could get to one of my cars, could I find the tracker before the pack found me? It was a gamble, but if I avoided my closest storage unit after I ditched this car, I might have more time. I drove towards the airport. The busier the area, the easier for me to hide, and the more options I had. Near the airport, I parked the SUV on the street near the car rental center, left the fob in the gas cap cover and hopped on the airport connector bus. The crowds and accompanying mixture of scents should make me difficult to track.

At the airport, I found an abandoned makeup case and dumped the remaining contents, putting my few belongings inside, and tossed my bag. Karski might have slipped a tracker into my bag, and possibly my clothing, too. Outside the airport, I jumped in a taxi, giving the driver the address to a drugstore near my closest storage unit. After a quick ride, I paid cash, and bought a cheap outfit, including new shoes and a small crossbody bag. I left, and changed in a gas station bathroom, scrubbing my body with disposable body cloths, and thoroughly wetting my hair in the sink. After drying my body on my old leggings, I tossed the old clothes in the garbage, and twisted my hair into a messy bun, tying it with a strip torn from a plastic bag.

With any luck, that would kill all the tracking devices. I strode to the next convenience store and bought a burner phone. I could keep going on my own and save the badger’s escape offer. Or I could take a chance now, because I might not be able to call in the future. Leaning against the store’s exterior, I dialed the number.

“Hello,” a woman said. “I’d bet this is Char Flammen, right?”

I snorted. “You would be correct.”

“I heard about the confrontation. Need a little help?”

“Yes, but—”

“How do you know it’s safe? We owe you. The timing was too close on our escape. You bought us a few critical seconds. It’s worth one day of safety, no blood.”

I was an excellent judge of character, usually, and her voice was sincere, without trying too hard. I’d have to negotiate in person to be sure. “How about some information, too?”

“It depends, but talk is cheap. Can you travel?”

“Yes.” I had enough money to have options.

“Sending you a geolocation pin. Come here on foot and I’ll find you.” The call dropped, and a text pinged. I pulled up the location. It wasn’t far, so I’d walk.

Leaving the store, I jogged into a housing development, weaving through the dark streets with the occasional cat, rat and trash panda for company. I crossed a major street, cut through an apartment complex, and walked towards the pin.

“Hey, Char!” A woman waved from the front stoop of a small house. She was about my height, but powerfully muscled, and her dark brown hair bore white stripes. A phone glowed in her hand.

“Do I know you?” I didn’t recognize her, and I had an excellent memory for people. However, her voice sounded familiar. She must be the badger I was looking for—the stripes in her hair were a giveaway. I’d been so concentrated on running that I wasn’t thinking, and that was dangerous.

She shook her head. “No, but you just called me. Look, I hate owing favors.” She held up both hands. “I offer safety for the next twenty-four hours. We can negotiate additional items. I don’t care about vampires, werewolves, or gargoyles. Or the rest of them, except my badgers. And money.”

I’d been burned several times tonight; adding another seemed stupid. On the other hand, an independent party was exactly what I needed, and being off the street for the next day seemed smart. But I didn’t move. “How did you find my car?”

She laughed. “We track the wolves and the vamps. Anything they’re interested in, we’re interested in.” She smirked. “You’re important to both, which is intriguing.” She put her hands on her hips. “So, coming or going?”

She might be a fantastic con artist, but I got a distinct feeling of sarcastic sincerity. “I’ll come. Thanks.” Having a safe shelter for the coming day was a huge relief. Getting it from someone who’d invaded Theo’s home was even better. Jogging up the sidewalk, I stopped outside the door. “I promise mutual defense while I’m here, and I will not prey on you or any household members.”

“Good enough. I’m Freddie Schaft.” She held out her hand.

I shook. “Charlene Flammen. Call me Char.”

“Hah. Everyone knows who you are, Char.” She scanned me up and down. “You ditched your old clothes, right?”

“Yes. And my bag. Most of this stuff is new.”

“Good. Turn the phone off and take the battery out.” She turned and entered the house. “Come in.”

I did as she asked, then followed Freddie inside. The small living room held a worn blue sofa and a fuzzy orange recliner facing a large screen on the wall. A doorway revealed a galley kitchen, and a hallway hinted at bedrooms. Cozy and homey; much more my style than the wolves or the vamps ostentatious abodes.

“We all know how much you hate Klaus Theoden, too. We’ve got that in common. Can’t stand KT or his people.” Her lip lifted in a snarl. “Thinks he controls everything and everybody.” She huffed. “The wolf isn’t much better.”

“I’ll agree with you there.” It seemed a common theme. “Did they live?”

Freddie chuckled. “Unfortunately. The vamp holding Irena died, but the rest escaped. A couple of the wolves were injured, including Karski, but nothing serious.” She sighed. “Unfortunately, they had to sedate Irena. KT didn’t release his hold.”

I wasn’t sure he could. Not if she’d been mesmerized for a long time, and it was probably worse if they’d been intimate in any way, especially with a blood transfer.

“They’re both looking for you. Dropping the SUV at the airport and ditching your stuff was smart. My doorway detector didn’t find any emitters, but let’s get you in a shower to kill anything left and change your scent a little.” Freddie crooked a finger, leading me to the hall. “Last door on the left. I’ll give you some clothes, no obligation there, then we’ll head down to the den. If there’s anything left on or in you, being underground ought to block the signal.”

I stopped. “You’re awfully well informed about my movements.”

She turned back and grinned. “I told you we track the wolves and the vamps. Anything they’re watching, we’re watching. Their internet security isn’t as good as they think it is. Come on. Shower. Fast.”

“Okay.” Knowing they had a basement was a big relief. Making an upstairs room light safe took a lot of effort; blackout curtains weren’t enough. In the bathroom, I showered, scrubbing hard and thinking harder. I couldn’t afford to relax, so I kept the water lukewarm. One of the badgers must be an expert hacker, because both the wolves and Theoden appeared to have excellent security. But anything on the internet could be found with enough time and effort. The smallest gap could be exploited. After I left Freddie’s, I’d leave my burner phone behind, and change clothes again.

A light knock, then the door opened. “It’s just me. Clothes on the counter,” Freddie said.

I finished rinsing. “Thanks.” After toweling off, I searched the skinny jeans and t-shirt for anything hard, especially on the seams, but didn’t find anything. That only meant the tracker was expensive and sophisticated. The cotton would be more comfortable, so I dressed, and stuffed my drugstore buys into my bag.

Freddie leaned against the wall outside the bathroom. “Sorry it’s all black, but I’m a stage hand. That’s all I wear.”

“They’re perfect. I appreciate it and the shower.” That was absolutely true. “I’m happy to pay for both.”

She pushed off the wall, crooking a finger. “Nah, it’s part of the shelter. You being tracked does us no good. Come on.” She opened the middle door on the right side of the hallway and bounced down the stairway.

I followed, more sedately. The stair emerged into an unfinished concrete basement. A long L-shaped couch took up one corner, with a couple of recliners nearby and a large screen hanging on the bare wall studs. Game controllers sat on a scarred coffee table between the furniture. Behind the stairwell, the gym matting covered the concrete. Weights were racked along one wall, with a treadmill and a rowing machine on the other. We crossed the gym to a vault door with a keypad.

Freddie shielded the pad with her hand, entered a code. The pad beeped, locks thunked and she hauled the door open with a hiss of seals. “This is our armory, but it will make a good vampire hideout. You can leave your stuff in here.”

Inside, a tall table holding gun cleaning equipment took up the middle of the room, my phone and battery sitting on top. Two large safes stood along the left-hand wall, and shelves lined the other two walls, full of military ammunition boxes. The labels revealed a variety of calibers. The strong scent of solvents and oil made my nose wrinkle. “Nice set up. Do you moonlight as a mercenary?” Their guns must be stored in the safes, or they’d never allow me inside. I put my backpack down on the floor, and the dismantled phone on the table.

She laughed. “No. Bodyguard occasionally. Quick reaction force sometimes. But these are mostly end-of-the-world as we know it supplies. I’ve got a blowup bed and blanket in there. You can secure this from the inside with this bar; even I can’t get through it without drilling or explosives.” She showed me where to place the padlocks on the locking bars. “So don’t die for real tomorrow, because breaking in here is a pain.”

I chuckled. “I’ll do my best.”

“I’ll leave it open for now. We can hang out on the couch until I go to bed.” She flopped into the corner and swept a finger across her phone. “Looks like all the wolves will live. One of the vamps is iffy, but the other is true dead.” Her lip lifted for a moment. “Trinity is no loss. Klaus should have put her down a long time ago.”

I shrugged. “I didn’t know her.” But Karski seemed to agree with Freddie’s assessment.

One corner of her mouth lifted. “I’m sure KT kept her far away from you. She had delusions of ruling Vegas. If she’d ever met you, you’d be dead.”

I frowned. “I wasn’t hiding all these years. KT knew exactly where I was.” I liked her nickname better than mine.

She shook her head. “Trinity was old. Really old. She didn’t understand technology at all. Couldn’t stand watching TV or movies. She liked streaming music once she found out about voice-activated devices. She’d have never figured out how to find you. Plus, KT kept her on a very short leash. Mostly in the tower so she wouldn’t kill too many people. She didn’t have much control. Or maybe a better way to describe her was that she didn’t care about control. She likes killing.” Freddie shrugged. “Personally, I think that after centuries of living, the fast changes of the last century drove her insane.”

“I’ve heard of that happening.” But I thought it was a fairy tale, made up by hopeful humans. Karski said I was dangerously ignorant, and I had to believe him. “You said we’d negotiate for anything more than shelter. What are you thinking?”

Freddie shrugged. “What do you need?” She smiled, grimly. “I like favors and information more than money.”

I snorted. “Then I’m not sure what I need matters, because I don’t know much.” But maybe I knew enough, because she might not know why the vamps and wolves wanted me.

“Oh, it matters.” She wagged her forefinger at me. “I’ll go easy on you, because you’ll make it easier for me in the future. If you survive.”

“I’ll live, I’m pretty sure of that.” Whether I’d be free was the question. “I’m guessing you’d like to know exactly why KT and the Alpha want me, right?”

She smirked. “We know about the prophecy. If the wolves have it, we’ve got it.”

“Well, then you know it’s ridiculous.” I shrugged.

“Sure, all prophecy is.” She squinted. “Until it isn’t. It’s important to the believers. KT’s not a true believer, but some of his vamps are, so he wants you, but not enough to risk damaging you.”

I scoffed. “More like he wants to use me like he uses everyone else.”

“True.” She smirked. “But I think there might be more to it. I don’t think he likes working so hard. He does it to stay alive and in command. But what I want to know is if you think the prophecy is true and if it’s about you.” She grimaced. “Ugh. Rhyming.”

I couldn’t hold back a chuckle. “I just read it. It might be true, but it’s so general it could apply to just about anyone and anything.” I pinned her with my gaze. “Do you have more of the prophecy?”

Freddie opened her mouth, then slammed it shut. “No blood, no mesmerizing. Got it?” She glared.

“Wasn’t trying.” I held up both hands. “Seriously. I hate using that. It’s creepy.” I shivered. It was extra creepy knowing I used my ability subconciously.

“Hmm. Maybe I understand why they think you’re the unbound queen, then.” She tapped a finger against her chin. “You’re seriously convincing. If you can do that without trying, I also understand how you kept Fantastique running. I hear things aren’t going so well now that you’ve left.” She laughed.

“That’s too bad. They’re a nice bunch of folks. I enjoyed working with them most of the time. But with KT in charge? No thanks.”

She flopped back, seemingly boneless. “If he really believes you’re the unbound queen of prophecy, he’s been giving you a lot of freedom. Why change now?”

“I’d like to know that, too.” I shrugged. “Karski thought maybe there was an astrological event tied into the prophecy, like a comet or alignment or something. Or maybe KT just got tired of waiting.”

“Or his big ego got popped, because he never expected you to succeed without his help.” Freddie huffed. “Most vamps need a lot more care and feeding, it seems like. You? You’re made, and boom, you leave KT’s tower to make it on your own.”

“Yeah, but if he was going to get mad about that, it should have happened a long time ago. I’ve been on my own for decades.” I wasn’t sure I really wanted to ask, but Freddie wasn’t stupid. “Do you have a copy of the full prophecy?”

“No.” She shook her head. “We’ve never found it online. Supposedly, it’s stored in a secret temple in KT’s tower. We looked for the temple during our raid, but no luck. Lots of locked doors we couldn’t get through without explosives. We didn’t have enough time to use what we brought, other than making a mess.” She grinned. “I’d have loved to see KT’s face when he saw his bedroom, but he doesn’t have any cameras in there.”

I couldn’t help smiling with her. “What did you do?” He’d dished out enough pain; consequences were due.

“Let’s just say that things went boom.” Her laughter turned to a growl. “He deserved that and more for taking the Alpha’s niece. Humans are used enough. Kids shouldn’t be pull toys. I’m so angry we couldn’t get her to leave.”

“So she really is a kid?” Anger rushed through me. I’d kill Theoden myself. I bet Freddie would loan me a high-powered rifle. With enough bullets, even he’d go down.

She held up her hand and tipped it back and forth. “Seventeen. Too young and naive for him. She wasn’t exactly sheltered, but no one’s prepared for that.” She shuddered. “We’d have jumped from KT’s tower without parachutes before enduring that.” She spat the last word.

I nodded. “When things calm down, I’ll try to help her.” I shrugged. “No idea if I can.” If I couldn’t help her, I’d find a way to make Theoden let her go.

“If anyone could, it would be you.” Her brows rose. “Figure out what you want to ask, yet? Because you’ve only got a few minutes before this girl passes out. I’m a night owl, but we’re getting to my bedtime.” She yawned.

“Got any ideas on how to take on KT?”

She snort-laughed. “Right. No. You want an object? I’ll get it. Want someone taken out? I might do it, if it’s justified. I’ll definitely scare someone straight. But I’m not a planner.” Her lips clamped together for a moment. “You know who is?”

My lip curled. “Karski.”

She smiled, grimly. “Karski.” One shoulder rose, then dropped when she sighed. “Even KT can’t out-think Karski long-term. Especially when he’s more predictable every year. The only time he’s unpredictable is when it concerns you.” She scowled. “There’s got to be a reason he’s making his move now. You haven’t made any changes lately, have you?”

I shook my head. “No. I’m terribly boring. Work, die the day away, work some more. Save money to get out of here. Find places to hide.”

Her mouth opened for a moment, then snapped shut. “That’s it. I’d bet he’s been waiting for you to make a move, then make you stop and grab control. When he got tired of waiting on you, he made you jump. There’s something in that prophecy about running, I’d bet.”

“Either than, or a true believer pushed him. Is there a religious leader of some sort? Priest, priestess, avatar, someone like that?” If that was the case, maybe I could get that vampire on my side.

Her mouth twisted. “Maybe. We know there is a temple. That implies there’s a leader or a caretaker. Or maybe someone who keeps the prophecy safe, like a guardian.” She nodded several times. “That’s an intriguing idea, Char. I’ll look into it.” A snort burst from her. “Maybe that’s why KT kept Trinity around. She’s the guardian. Or was. If so, we’ll have to figure out who took her place.”

Having no clue, I shrugged. “I didn’t stick around KT’s tower long enough to hear any origin stories or religious mantras. I learned to control myself around humans, then I left. KT’s actually not all that bad, if you don’t mind doing everything his way and bowing.” It was my turn to snort. “Which I do. But his people are horrible. Nothing but bullies. Physical and mental abuse galore. I didn’t survive to put up with that.”

“Preach, sister. They’re even worse to non-vamps. They consider everyone prey.” She shrugged. “Which to be fair, we kind of are. None of us can withstand a full-court press from a mature vampire. Not alone. That’s why even the most solitary of us weres work in packs. And honestly, we use humans, too. Blending in lets us hide more effectively.” She smirked. “I’ve been told badger blood has a sharp flavor, and it’s a last resort.” Her lip curled. “Not that it stops vamps like Trinity. She didn’t care. Alive and running was her favorite flavor.” She yawned again. “Anyway, I’ll look into the religious leader idea tomorrow.” She stood and stretched. “My house is yours, except the bedrooms. Stay out of those. And stay off the internet and phone, please. I’d like my house to remain off the big boy’s radar if possible.”

“Sure. I’ll hang out, then go to bed. I won’t put you at risk.” That would be a poor repayment for her hospitality.

Freddie bounced up the stairs. A door closed, then water ran.

I grabbed a blood box from my bag and sucked it down. Sourcing more was my first question for Freddie tomorrow. Next, I needed a way to find the trackers Karski put on my stuff. If I worked with him again, it had to be on my terms, not because he treed me like the cougar I wasn’t. I needed a way to safely talk to Theoden, too. He obviously wasn’t giving up, but neither was I. We had to come to an understanding or one of us would end up true dead. Probably me. I also needed a long-term lair. Somewhere I could come and go from without interference. Getting rid of the trackers would help with that. But they might have tracked me every step of my searches, and knowing both men—and Freddie—they’d have it all mapped out. Since I’d run, they might have put sensors on every one of my potential hideouts. I needed someplace safe.

I wasn’t asking much, was I? I padded back to the vault. I’d blow up the bed and get set for the day. Maybe I’d have a brilliant revelation tomorrow.


***To be continued***

Working Class Vegas Vamp Copyright © 2024 by AM Scott. All Rights Reserved.

Cover by Achlys Book Cover Designs