About AM Scott

After twenty years as a US Air Force space operations officer, AM now operates a laptop, trading in real satellites for fictional spaceships in the Folding Space Universe, starting with Lightwave: Clocker. AM is also a volunteer leader with Team Rubicon Disaster Response. Get a set of short stories, Lightwave: Short Stories 1, for free! Just sign up for my newsletter!

If not out adventuring, find AM in all the usual places:
Website: https://www.amscottwrites.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AM_Scottwrites
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AMScottWrites/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/amscottwrites/
BookBub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/am-scott

Email: am@amscottwrites.com
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AM also writes thrilling military romantic suspense as Anne M. Scott. Start with Bitter Haven, or download Bitter Roots here. See my romantic suspense tab above!

AM is happily married to The Amazing Sleeping Man (ASM)–31 years and counting! They currently have a German Shepherd Dog fur baby, Zoe (she’s named after the Zoe of Firefly fame) and a GSD-Amstaff-Pibble mix, Shepherd Book.